Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day Five

So, today I headed to the bank.  I wasn't sure how long it was, but I headed up Lawrence Avenue thinking it might be an easier road than that last hill on Fall Creek Road.  It wasn't.  I had to stop for water twice on the hill, but I did not walk my bike!  Now that I'm looking it up, this hill was .6 miles long as the last one was only .2 miles.  I guess that explains why it seemed so much harder!  Once I turned on to Trail, I did walk my bike for about a block to get my wind back before I finished my ride to the bank.  Then I pushed on a little farther so I could ride down Fall Creek Road on my way home.  :)  That rush was just as good today as it was the first time!  I made it 6.1 miles today.

I saw a lot of dogs this morning.  All the walkers with them were very friendly and it was a pretty pleasant ride.  I really enjoy being outside of my box.  I have my walls down when I'm on my bike in a way that I'm not sure I do in other circumstances.  On my way home, I noticed a man with a baby stroller.  He pushed the stroller with one hand so it was between him and the street and he looked at the baby the whole time.  It's like he was afraid to leave himself exposed, so he used his baby as a buffer.  At first, I thought it was kind of silly, but then I realized that I do the same thing.  Just yesterday, we were in a leasing office when another couple walked in.  Livi started talking to them and Dan said hello.  I stayed focused on Livi.  I've been using her as my link to the rest of the world so I don't have to worry about saying the wrong thing.  I hadn't realized I was even doing it until I noticed someone else hiding behind his kid.  I've really got to do something about that.

Another thing I noticed today was that although I was having difficulties, when I was on a flat stretch, I didn't need the gears to be as easy.  I am starting to get the hang of the gears.  Also, I'm starting to get to the point that a short hill just makes me work harder.  I had to find a balance between not able to make it up the hill and making it too easy.   I am already seeing the difference in the feel of my workouts.  Tomorrow, I have got to get to the bike shop to see if a new saddle might help with my hip troubles.

Food Log

Breakfast:  buttermilk pancake with sugar-free syrup, bacon and hash browns.   I have a terrible time making good choices once I'm in a place with bad options.  I am going to have to figure out a way to work around that. 

Lunch:  none, breakfast was really late.

Dinner:  Chinese buffet.  I ate fruit and veggies.  I did have an egg roll and a crab rangoon, but I think that overall, this was a much better meal than I have eaten in the past. 

Tomorrow I will be going to the store and I will be buying things that I can eat that are healthier.  I have to find something that I can take with me as a snack when I'm out and about. 

I'm starting to get anxious about Tuesday.  That's when I'll take my measurements again to see how I did.  I am already feeling some of the effects of the bike rides even if I'm not doing so great on the nutritional part yet.  Baby steps are better than no steps at all. 

I'd love to hear your strategies for making healthy food choices in situations that are less than healthy!

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