Our application was approved today for a trailer. We won't be in the park we expected to be in, but the rent is pretty good. We checked out the place from the outside today and it looks nice enough. And I'm pretty sure that we're only a couple lots down and across the street from an old friend. We get the keys
I called the company that oversees our company about the complaints I have made to HR and about HR that have been ignored. A hostile work environment and sexual harassment should not be ignored. It has been over a month now since I lodged my complaints and nothing has been done. Unless you count the ridiculous write-ups that Dan and I received last week. I had been considering this for a week now since someone suggested the move and provided me with the phone number of the director. I finally decided today that it needs to be done. If this ruins my opportunity to work with a company that would treat me this way, well, I don't really want to work for people like that anyway.
About ten minutes after that call, Dan and I were summoned by HR for a meeting. It was 11:30 and the meeting was scheduled for 1:30. Our day staff agreed to keep an eye on Livi, too. Jokingly, I asked Dan if he was ready to get fired today and he said, "Yeah, I think I am." As it turned out, we that was a good thing. We haven't been fired, exactly. They terminated our position as a couple. We are both welcome to take positions as teachers because they don't want to lose Dan and if I want to quit, that's ok too. They pretty much made it clear that I'm the one they want to get rid of. Dan felt that too. So, tomorrow, we have to go back and talk to HR and ask a few questions and finalize our decision. She asked us then what we wanted to do and I said, "We want to go home and discuss this and we'll let you know tomorrow." And, since they offered us other positions, if we don't stick around, we have quit, they did not fire us. No unemployment that way for them to pay. Nifty trick, really. The crazy thing is, the best reason they could give us for terminating our position was that our house was not clean enough. Not the clients' home, ours. I asked on Monday, when someone was sent to invade our privacy and take pictures, what the major issue was because we were really not sure. She said that there are too many things cluttering up the kitchen counter and that my desk was too messy. That was the best they could give us. I'm guessing they were really not happy about my complaints last month.
After a lot of talking, we are pretty sure we know how we want to proceed from here, but we have a few questions for HR before we give them our final decision. I can't help thinking that this is really great opportunity for us, in the long run. Right now, things could be a little tight, but we've been through worse. This will allow me to work my PartyLite full time and I'll be able to set up a schedule for exercise
I started my nutrition program today. I need to get snack stuff. I'm supposed to be eating two snacks a day and I usually don't eat any. Today is payday, so snacks are officially on my shopping list. :)
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