Next stop, we headed for the office to talk to HR. We asked our questions and left. Molly didn't know the answers so she had to call someone else and call us back. We let them know that Dan will continue to work as a teacher and I will not. Dan will work his schedule next week, and then take a week of paid time for the week that we can get moved into the trailer. I am not getting paid for my 99.75 hours of time. Because the terminated our position. It's this odd hybrid of fired and quit so that they get the best of both worlds and I can't help but thinking that it's just not quite legal. Now to decide whether it's worth following up on that. I mean, at minimum wage, that's over $700. But how much would a lawyer cost? And I suppose I would have to pay first and then get whatever. Probably not worth the trouble, but I might check into it anyway.
When Molly called back, they said that Dan will have to work the 3pm-11pm schedule when he comes back from PTO even though he asked for 7am-3pm. So he'll be at work when Payton's in school and I'll be a single mom during the week. He'll see Payton and Ashlynn both only every other weekend. That really pisses me off, but they have already shown that they are not concerned about our family so I am not really surprised. Just annoyed. I can't wait until Dan can find another job and quit this one. He didn't get into the dealer school this time because the said he didn't have enough customer service experience. That's almost all he's ever done, so we need to figure out how to rework his resume.
We got Dan's new driver's license today and then we picked up Payton and headed for the ARC to view the homes available and pay our deposit. Dolora showed us the one we had applied for and another trailer that was available. The second one is $30 more a month, but a whole lot nicer. The one we applied for still smelled like dog and they were going to be cleaning it next week. The one we picked just got new carpet. She said that she'll start them cleaning it up on Monday and we should be able to sign papers and pick up the keys on Thursday or Friday. That will give us just under a week to get all of our boxes and things moved. I plan to be packed and ready to go by then so we can rent a truck and make quick work of it. One friend offered to watch Livi if we need her to.
I called the parents of the guys we have been working with. Both were concerned for us and let us know to call if we need anything. One asked if we had to move right away and if we had a place to go and told me that if I had to get a new phone number to make sure to call him and keep in touch. I almost feel like I'm losing kids. *sigh* It's so hard when your home, your heart and your livelihood are all tied up into a job that is taken away.
We have some furniture we have to get rid of. I might have to get rid of my desk. :( It won't do well in storage. We have Dan's grandma's bed and couch that we can't keep anymore. You know, Dan should probably call his momma and update her. I have to start updating our address everywhere . . . I need lists! I am lost without lists! This is gonna be some ride!
This is going to be so much better for our family. I'll be able to focus on my PartyLite and my kids and keeping up with the house. Dan and I will both have more free time and we can start scheduling exercise. It's just going to be yucky while Dan is working 3-11s and only seeing Payton on weekends. I really expected to be more worried, but I'm kind of excited about a new adventure even while I'm frustrated at how we have been used and abused.
I had a donut for a snack today. Not a great choice and I had a little too much at supper. Tomorrow I will go grocery shopping.
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