Monday, June 29, 2015

Bad blogger...

Yep, I'm a bad blogger. Over a month since my last post. I'll trust no one is desperately awaiting my newest post but I apologize for the delay as you're obviously interested in our progress.

So, on to news. four weeks ago, Dan and I started our new diet on a Monday and then weighed in on Thursday of the same week. We probably should have weighed before the diet started to see how weight loss was affected, but we didn't. The good news is, when we weighed in after two months at the gym and four days on the diet, I weighed 297.8 pounds, a loss of just over 11 pounds.  Dan lost 12 pounds. We haven't weighed in for a month again now, but we plan to weigh in this evening.

We've actually done really well on our new eating plan. We're not hungry and we're getting more protein and veg with fewer and better carbs. It's been a lot easier than I thought it would be. We eat five times a day and usually grab at least one protein shake a day for an easy meal. They are much better than anticipated. I started out using L-glutamine to help with cravings and I don't need it anymore. My moods seem to be more stable based on a better diet also. We did crash and burn a little this weekend, but we're back in the groove today.

Our biggest concern is the overall cost of eating. Lean protein is not cheap. We have been watching for sales and such, but this is another area where the protein shakes have helped. We'll need to get another tub of protein soon, but it is cheaper than meat per serving and even eggs, lately. Our little meals tend to be predictable; scrambled eggs, a shake or a couple hard boiled eggs. Our bigger meals run the gamut from chili, taco salad, salad with chicken breast, etc. Dan's done a really great job of making some pretty yummy stuff out of a stricter list of ingredients.

That's all for now.  Hope to have new weigh ins soon!