Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 179: No pity party for me!

I had such a great start to today!  I was tired, but I brushed out my hair and left it down.  I fixed myself breakfast and got Payton off to school.  I went walking with Edye, which is ALWAYS a wonderful jump-start for my day!  Then I went to the chiropractor and got great news.  Not only am I moving better than I have been in over a month and with a much lower level of pain, but next week I will be down to two visits a week instead of three!  I headed to the clinic for my wellness visit.  It was kind of a downer as all Heather could tell me that she had learned nutritionally about PCOS was that I need to eat healthy and exercise, but it might not affect my weight or body shape.  She swears it is still helpful on the inside, but the benefits may never be visible.  Luckily for me, I am too stubborn to accept that for an answer.  I can't help thinking that God wants me to figure some of this stuff out so I can help other people.

Next, Dan and I had a meeting at Livi's preschool and we are going to start her in speech therapy on Monday.  There is no cost since it's through the USD.  Then, since we are AWESOME and planned ahead, we had a picnic lunch at the park that Dan had prepared.  Livi played a while and then we dropped her off at school.  I was able to loan twenty bucks to a friend who was in a bind because we have been more careful than usual with our finances.

We went back home and Dan took a nap since he had gotten up early for the meeting and I started working on my prayer journal blog.  Then I got Dan to work, picked up Payton, picked up Livi and finally got home to take a break and have a PB&J on wheat.

After all of this busy and wonderful progress, my tooth started hurting.  I'm not talking a little ache, I'm talking sick to my stomach and wondering how I am gonna eat any supper.  And my sugar started bottoming out.  So I took a couple of excedrin with some applejuice as I started fixing a supper that was quick, easy and painless to eat.  In the midst of all this, I found an invitation to a pity party.  I had already turned down a much more appealing invitation to the adult swim party on Mass tonight.  If I call in sick to one party, I decided I better call in sick to this one too.

Most people, I hope, will never understand what an amazing thing that was for me.  In the past, I never saw that invitation until I was already feeling the emotional hangover.  As Edye would say, Go God!!  :)

Prayer for today

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