Monday, July 26, 2010

Day Six

It's already day six??  Wow!  This week has been going by quickly, and I feel like I have really done well for myself.  Not all of my choices have been fabulous, but I have made drastic improvements over my old way of eating.  I am feeling better in so many ways.  I am energized by the exercise instead of drained now.  My portions are a lot smaller than they were.  But I think the most important change is how much better I feel just knowing that I am actively working to improve my health.  I am not just being tossed on the rapids of PCOS.  I have taken control.  That is such an empowering feeling that I can already see ways to take charge in other aspects of my life.

If I can take charge of my health, even in the incredibly demanding J-O-B that Dan and I have, then I can take charge of other things too.  We CAN wrangle our finances to get to a better place.  I CAN take my home business to the level of a career.  We CAN find a path that will empower both Dan and I and allow us to empower our kids.

It's a really nice feeling.

Food log

breakfast:  2 eggs scrambles with grilled chicken, onions and green peppers and an orange

Lunch:  2 breaded chicken strips, a peach and spinach salad with onions and broccoli and TSG Garlic Parmesan Vinaigrette 

Snack:  A peach, no protein, I was out of cashews.  I have to really focus on keeping good snack combos handy.  I'm leaving for conference on Wednesday and I really need to make sure I can have something in my bag with me.  I'm going to get really tired of cashews.

Dinner:  Turkey meatloaf patty thing.  a handful of grapes.

I didn't ride today so I could give my hip a rest.  I'll do some stretches in the morning before I head out and I'm going to go with my 4.2 mile ride that's fairly level.  I hope to be back on track Wednesday for one more long ride before I head to conference.  I know there is a fitness center at the hotel and I'm going to check over the schedule tonight so I can schedule in work outs.  It won't be nearly as much fun as a downhill ride, but it will be much better than doing nothing.

Measurements tomorrow!  Stay tuned for progress!

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