Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 4: A tragic reminder

A great man passed away last week and his funeral was this morning.  His wife passed away last year.  His two beautiful daughters are now orphans.  One is pre-teen and the other is a teen.  My heart aches for those two girls.  So much loss for them in such a short time and at ages that are already so hard.  Robert was diabetic and had been in and out of the hospital with various complications for a couple of years now.  I am going to learn from this tragedy.  I promise to myself that I will do all that I can to ensure that my children do not end up in the same spot.  Diabetes is a scary monster that is barely over the horizon for me unless I make a sharp turn in a new direction.  I believe that I am making that turn now and I will use this tragedy to remind me to keep on track.  I need to take control of my health for my own benefit and for the sake of my children. 

This evening I went to a growth group from the church.  A dozen people discussed Sunday's message and how it impacted us.  There was a couple who had not been there on Sunday, so we started out filling them in on what they missed.  We had talked about forgiveness and I really enjoyed it.  I felt comfortable and that I was a valid part of the group.  I just wish I knew how to get in touch with people in the group.  There was one person who was asking questions about what was a very specific incident in his mind.  He didn't share the incident, but I am not sure we fully answered his questions.  I really felt compelled to talk to him as we were leaving, but before I got outside, he and his fiance were already gone.  I don't even know why I felt so strongly that he was still looking for more answers unless I recognize what I have felt myself.  I hope that he is able to work out whatever situation he is mulling over and that as a group, we helped him.  This felt like a good place for me to be.  :)

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